9. Latvia Cross-Category Report: Relational Analysis of External Country Influence


This report identifies statistical geopolitical interdependence by cross-referencing key indicator volume and sentiment levels of regional countries to the volume and sentiment levels of the selected country.

A comprehensive regional matrix is created to measure all “pairings” and determine the Top Ten cases of external “influence.” The TalosAI scores and corresponding charts are provided.

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This report identifies statistical geopolitical interdependence by cross-referencing key indicator volume and sentiment levels of regional countries to the volume and sentiment levels of the selected country.

A comprehensive regional matrix is created to measure all “pairings” and determine the Top Ten cases of external “influence.” The TalosAI scores and corresponding charts are provided.

The concept of geopolitical interdependence is used to study the relationship between countries and regions. It is an essential analytical concept for strategists, policymakers, and political scientists.

Countries are increasingly interdependent when they are engaged in political, trade, and military relations. Geopolitical interdependence, then, implies the political, economic, and military costs and benefits that are accrued to countries through official, unofficial, direct and indirect engagements.

However, too often it is limited to the analysis of issues such as the efficacy of economic sanctions (measuring the interdependence with crude indices which gauge the volume of international trade and factor price linkages). Consequently, the analyses overlook many additional strategically important geopolitical issues.

This report provides an additional method for measuring interdependence through the cross-referencing of volume and sentiment levels of regional countries to the volume and sentiment levels of the slected country. The report provides a comprehensive method for taking into account multiple key indicators of domestic and international occurrences to find and measure hidden relationships.